Indy PR1 and online journalism project

This is a piece of work that I mad in my first term of my masters course and this is all about the independent shops and restaurants in Preston. Me and my course colleague Sam made this project together.

We worked on elements together as in the Twitter and the blog but there are parts which we separated out to deal with separately. So I did the Instagram, Pinterest and the Vine page as well as the pieces on the blog itself.

This was a very important project to do as it made me learn how to manage different social media for a long period of time. The brand and the tone of the pages and social media needed to be consistent though out so there was a lot of collaboration between me and Sam to what we were working on.


The Instagram page worked really well as it had a mix of both shops and more artsy pieces that worked on the medium. Hashtags were so important when doing this page and keeping the local people engaged with the content.

Pintrest was more difficult because this was more about curating the work of someone else rather than uploading the photos myself. This would have worked better with a different subject but it had some engagement from the other pinners.

This was my first experience with using Vine and I found it very easy to get to grips with as the format is very simplistic. It worked very well on its own but when I curated the pieces together to make the piece about the ‘Top 5 independent coffee shops’ which used the Vines that post took off and was shared a lot.

The Twitter was used mainly to much out content but also keep up to date with the things that were happening around the city by re-tweeting different new articles and local opinion. This was also a way to showcase some of the infographics that I created such as this Thinglink or this infographic.

Some tweets were put up in advance to keep in with set events like “Shop Small Saturday” which was around the time of the project. Using TweetDeck meant that we could control when tweets went out to keep content moving.

Finally there was the blog posts. Each week I did a Instagram round up to highlight the photos of the week. It was also a good way to bulk out the blog as there was only two people but this is the round up of these posts and those can all be read on the blog.







There was also a Snapchat however this was one of the sections that Sam made himself.